When I think of traditions, it brings to mind things that happen year after year for a very long time. Having really thought about it, I realize that holiday traditions for the most part are carried down, added to and don't always last a lifetime.
Each family member grows up and takes a piece of their own childhood memories and then adds to them (or not) to make new traditions for their own family. My parents had their traditions each year when I was a child. My traditions were different and now my son and daughter have their own traditions.
Christmas Eve was held at our house every year. Our families would come and we would all exchange gifts. Christmas lights, food and music, lots of candles and speakers outside played Christmas carols. The only other lights were oil lamps. Luminaries lit our long driveway along with ice candles if the weather permitted.
Homemade eggnog in my Mom's eggnog bowl was always a treat along with Christmas stocking cookies that hung on the tree for each of the kids. I have been stringing popcorn and cranberries my whole married life and never skipped a year. Hop on over to AttaGrill's page to read about stringing popcorn and cranberries with my granddaughters.
One of my most precious traditions was when my granddaughters were little. Every year they would come to our house before Christmas. We had a Christmas tea party, then we took them to see the drive through light display at Hartwood Acres. When we got home we watched Christmas specials and slept on the floor by the tree.
Through the years, we had quite a crew. I always felt like Christmas Eve was a magical time at our house.
Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
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